1. Cart
Choose the products which you want to order by clicking the button “add to cart”. With this action the product is not binded in your cart. You can change the selection of your products any time until the order is sent by adding other products or by deleting products or you can just cancel the order process.
By clicking the button “proceed to checkout” you will start the next step of the order process.
2. Checkout
If you already have a customer acount than just register with your e-mail address and your password. When you are new just fill out the requested data. If you don’t have a customer acount than you can click the box “create an account” below the billing address. Your data will be stored, used and processed under the privacy policy (see Privacy Policy). They will not be used for other purpose or given to others.
Than you can choose the shipping method and payment process.
Please read our terms and conditions and the right to cancel. You can only continue wih the order process if you agree with our terms and conditions and the right to cancel (please set a check mark in the boxes) .
By checking the button “next” you will continue the order process and will go to the next step.
3. Finishing the order process
You will get an overview of your order. Please read and check the shipping address, billing address, payment terms, shipping conditions and your selected products.
If you check the button “buy” you will send this order to us. The order is now binding.
Right to cancel for customers